Feel Yourself Thin – Ready for Release

We are excited to announce our newest book is ready for release to the public!

Feel-Yourself-Thin-CoverThe answers to weight issues are not simply found in eating and exercise. Some answers are rooted in our past, our emotions, our misconceptions, and other mysterious places.

Have you tried every diet on the planet?  Are you waiting breathlessly for the next new diet fad?  Do you spend too much of your hard earned money on pills and programs that end up sitting on your shelf?  Do you use your treadmill or other exercise devices as clothes racks? Are you caught in a cycle of despair? Are your coping mechanisms obsolete and unhealthy?

The sad news is no diet is going to work if you harbor self-destructive emotions.  Emotions are the power behind willpower.  If you are driven by negative emotions, sticking to a challenging program is almost impossible. Why? Unresolved emotions from painful past events demand to be comforted. They are desperate to not feel the pain. For most people relief comes in the form of substances. For those attracted to this book, the main substance of choice is food.

The good news is that emotions can be transformed and even released. New ways of thinking and feeling can make what once was impossible effortless. Once your destructive emotions are examined and resolved, you can choose any reputable diet plan and it will work without fail.

If you have ever wanted to understand the core causes of your weight issues and know how to deal with them, Feel Yourself Thin is for you!

The answers to weight issues are not simply found in eating and exercise. Some answers are rooted in our past, our emotions, our misconceptions, and other mysterious places.

Have you tried every diet on the planet?  Are you waiting breathlessly for the next new diet fad?  Do you spend too much of your hard earned money on pills and programs that end up sitting on your shelf?  Do you use your treadmill or other exercise devices as clothes racks? Are you caught in a cycle of despair? Are your coping mechanisms obsolete and unhealthy?

The sad news is no diet is going to work if you harbor self-destructive emotions.  Emotions are the power behind willpower.  If you are driven by negative emotions, sticking to a challenging program is almost impossible. Why? Unresolved emotions from painful past events demand to be comforted. They are desperate to not feel the pain. For most people relief comes in the form of substances. For those attracted to this book, the main substance of choice is food.

The good news is that emotions can be transformed and even released. New ways of thinking and feeling can make what once was impossible effortless. Once your destructive emotions are examined and resolved, you can choose any reputable diet plan and it will work without fail.

If you have ever wanted to understand the core causes of your weight issues and know how to deal with them, Feel Yourself Thin is for you!

Visit the book blog: FeelYourselfThin.net

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